Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

Profession Of An Economist

My Group is :
Putri Nabilah
Tika Rahmawati

On the 7th of Maret 2017 our class got the task group from Miss Dini. The task is about Profession Of An Economist. And the answer from our group is :
Reading (Vocabulary)
1.         Labor                               : Tenaga Kerja
2.        Factories                          : Pabrik
3.        Effort                               : Upaya
4.        Concerned                       : Prihatin
5.        Consuption of Goods     : Konsumsi Barang
6.        Satisfaction                      : Kepuasan
7.        Determine                       : Menentukan
8.        Various                            : Berbagai
9.        Employed                        : Memperkejakan, menggunakan
10.    Half                                  : Hampir
11.      Engage                             : Mengikutsertakan, mengajak
12.     Develop                            : Mengembangkan, membangun
13.     Often                               : Sering, sering kali
14.     Forecast                           : Ramalan
15.     Gains                                : Kemajuan
16.     Particular Changes          : Perubahan tertentu
17.     Entrepreneurs                 : Pengusaha
18.     Comfortable                    : Nyaman, enak, senang
19.     Assured                            : Terjamin, pasti
20.  Fringe                               : Pinggir, tepi
21.     Risktaking                        : Mengambil resiko
22.   Growth                            : Pertumbuhan, perkembangan
23.    Measured                         : Diukur, diatur
24.   Increase                            : Meningkatkan
25.    Regurded                         : dianggap, menganggap, mamandang
26.    Wits                                 : Akal
27.    Elimb                               : Mendaki, naik
28.   Tycoons                           : Raja
29.    Addictiveness                  : Ketagihan
30.   Satisfy                              : Keinginan

Exercise 1
1.         Check
2.        Control
3.        Monitor
4.        Control
5.        Monitor

Exercise 2
1.         Cost (n)   P.1 L.6
Meaning   : Expenses, outfit
2.        Monitor (v) P.3 L.2
Meaning   : Control, manage
3.        Flair (n) P.4 L.5
Meaning   : Skill, talent, inclination
4.        Entrepreneur (n) P.4 L.3
Meaning   : Employer
5.        Forecast (n) P.3 L.1
Meaning   : Prediction
6.        Provide (v) P.2 L.4
Meaning   : Supply, equip, outfit
7.        Job-setting (n) P.2 L.1
Meaning   : Place of work
8.        Liable (a) Nothing in paragraph
Meaning   : Responsible

Exercise 3
1.         Liable  means having the qualities that are needed to succeed as an entrepreneur
2.        An self-employed  is a person who sets up business and bbusiness deals.
3.        A tycoon  is a person who is successful in business and so has become rich and powerful.
4.        The industry will have to pass its increased distribution  on to the consumer.
5.        The management will provide  accommodation, food and drink for thirty people.
6.        He has always been benefits or fringe benefits  for his children.
7.        The costs  of the job include a car and free health insurance.
8.        He won’t qualify  as an economist until next year.
9.        An individual hopingto start up a new company needs to have entrepreneurial flair  or talent.
10.    Unfortunately forecasts  of higher profits did not come true.
11.      Economists are concerned with the production, entrepreneur  and comsumtion.

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